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Instructions for Using E-Link

E-Link is the new online student transportation information portal in Joshua ISD. With E-Link, parents can stay informed on their child's bus route. 

To access E-Link:

1. Visit the E-Link website to search for bus routes. Login using the information below


The username will be your child's Student ID number. Student ID's can be found in Skyward Family Access under Portfolio Report-Student ID for Bus Transportation. Passwords will be the same, but each user will be required to change the password on the first login. 

2. Once logged in, click the "Work with Students" link.

versatrans e-link work with students

3. Click the "View My Students" link.

Select View My Students to retrieve students associated with your User ID


4. Click the student name to view route information for the student.

Sample Student
Student Transporation information example