Parentally Placed Home School and Private School Students
JISD Special Services Plan for Home School
and Parentally Placed Private School Students
For students ages 3 and 4 as of September 1:
For students who are below five years of age as of September 1, Joshua ISD will follow the same procedures in place for referral, assessment, ARD, placement and dual enrollment. Students within this age group remain eligible for full IEP services through dual enrollment in Joshua ISD.
For students ages 5 and older as of September 1:
For students who are five or above as of September 1, Joshua ISD will follow the same procedures for referral, assessment, ARD, IEP development and placement recommendations. If the parents choose to accept the IEP recommendations, the student must be enrolled full-time in the public school of residence.
When the parents choose not to enroll students in Joshua ISD full time, an individual services plan will be developed and students within this age group are eligible to receive the following services:
1. Direct Services that will be provided:
Speech Therapy
2. Indirect services to be provided:
Instructional materials (not to exceed more than 1/2 of the total proportionate share. These materials will be purchased and checked out to private school or home school students).
3. Service provider:
Certified Speech Language Pathologist is contracted with the district for services.
4. Duration of services:
Number of sessions per week will be determined by the ARD, for a maximum of 36 weeks, following the Joshua ISD school calendar or until the calculated portion for this population is expended at which time services will cease for the year.
5. Schedule of Services:
Speech Therapy services will be scheduled with the therapist/teacher.
6. Transportation:
Parents will provide transportation when possible to the designated school, as transportation costs would consume an inordinate amount of proportionate share funds. Services may be provided at the private school if it does not negatively impact the therapists' ability to service students enrolled in Joshua ISD.
If the identified population eligible for these services increases during the school year, time may be reallocated based on the severity of the student's needs as determined by the speech pathologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, vision impairment teacher, or the orientation and mobility specialist based on current assessments OR a waiting list may be initiated for services. If the private school or home school student population increases, an ARD meeting will be held to discuss and determine any necessary changes to a previously served student's services plan if changes are necessary. Priority of services will be based on age, beginning with the youngest first and the severity of the disability with the most severe children having the highest priority.
If you have any questions, please contact Keeli Bond at 817.202.2500 ext. 1060 or or Lacy Brown, diagnostician at 817.202.2500 ext. 2020 or