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Child Find

English  Update on Special Education
Spanish Obtener actualizaciones sobre Educacion Especial
English  Delayed or Denied Evaluations & Compensatory Services
Spanish Evaluaciones Restrasadas o Denegadas & Services Compensationios
The LEA has provided the direct link to the page on the TEA website providing Texas families with information regarding the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Dyslexia, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Central to IDEA and its implementing regulations is the requirement that all states have policies and procedures in place to ensure that all children with disabilities within the state who are in need of special education and related services are “identified, located and evaluated.”  This duty, referred to as “child find,” includes children with disabilities who are homeless, wards of the state, or attending private schools as well as highly mobile children and children who are suspected of being a child with a disability and in need of special education, even though they are advancing from grade to grade.

IDEA defines children with disabilities as those children who: (1) have been properly evaluated and determined as having an intellectual disability, a hearing impairment, a speech or language impairment, a visual impairment, a serious emotional disturbance, an orthopedic impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, another health impairment, a specific learning disability, deaf-blindness, or multiple disabilities; and (2) require special education and related services as a result of the disability.  Significantly, a child who has one of the above-mentioned disabilities is not a child with a disability under IDEA if he or she does not require special education and related services due to the disability or if he or she only needs a related service. 

Referrals for special services are made by school personnel, parents, doctors, community agencies and other appropriate individuals. A parent may request an evaluation verbally or in writing to a teacher, administrator, diagnostician or speech pathologists at any time. Please contact your school to discuss concerns and needs.

Child Find phone number:  817-426-7500 ext 1001

Early Childhood Consultations for children ages 2½ -5 are scheduled approximately twice a month. Children are referred for a consultation by parents and Johnson County ECI.

When children are referred through Johnson County ECI the goal is to begin working with parents 90-120 days prior to the child's third birthday to determine if there is special education eligibility. If the child is found eligible, the district works with parents to prepare a plan for serving the child coinciding with the child's third birthday.

When children are referred by a parent, the district schedules the child for an early childhood consultation. If the consultation results in a recommendation for an evaluation which identifies special education eligibility, the district works with the parent to prepare a plan to serve the child.

 The early childhood consultations include the following areas:

  • Parent interview
  • Observation of the child
  • Schedule a time for an evaluation if the consultation indicates it is appropriate

For more information about the Early Childhood Consultation process, contact Cinnamon Geddie at (817) 426-7500 ext 1700.

If you have any questions about equitable services for students who attend eligible private schools, please contact Natalie Stuckey, Director of Special Education, at (817) 426-7500 ext. 1008.