ESY Fact or Fiction
FACTESY Services are: |
FICTIONESY Services are not: |
ESY Services are for a subset of students, aged 3 to 21, who are eligible for Special Education. |
ESY Services are not: · For every student on an IEP, · Automatically provided because the student received services the prior summer or at any other time in the past, or · Based on a disability category or medical diagnosis. |
ESY Services are required to maintain existing skills In order to prevent severe regression, which may include the teaching of new skills in order to maintain existing skills ,and are derived from targeted goals and objectives from the current IEP. |
ESY Services are not designed to develop new skills unrelated to the maintenance of existing skills. |
ESY Services are provided in the least restrictive environment (LRE). |
ESY Services are not required to be provided in integrated settings if the public agency does not provide services at that time for Its non-disabled children. |
ESY Services are based on the individualized needs of the student. |
ESY Services are not: · Provided as a substitute for daycare, or · A one-size-fits-all traditional summer school. |
ESY Services, including the type, amount, and |
ESY Services are not compensatory education (i.e., making up for missed or inadequate services). ESY Services are not: · Designed to replace or duplicate alternative community resources; and/or · Intended to make up for absences when the parent opts to remove the student from school. |