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Health Services

4-15-24 JISD Nurse Group Photo

Department Vision

The students at JISD are our most valuable resource. A healthy child in a safe and healthy environment achieves educational excellence.  The school nurse supports the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of the student as well as success in the learning process.  The school nurse serves as a liaison between school personnel, family, community, and healthcare providers in order to enhance student health and overall well-being.  School nursing is a nursing specialty that involves identification, assessment, prevention, and intervention to remedy and/or modify student health needs.  School nurses monitor immunization compliance, perform mandated health screenings, track communicable diseases, and provide direct nursing care to the student whether their need be acute or chronic in nature.

Department Mission

The mission of JISD Health Services is to provide specialized professional nursing that focuses on advancing the health and wellness of the student in order to achieve academic success.  School nurses promote growth and development, overall health, and safety.  The school nurse will intervene in the event of an actual or potential health problem by developing a plan of care, promoting a safe environment, and ensuring that every child can become a life-long learner. 

Department Motto

A spirit of caring - A vision of excellence.

Department Goal

The school nurse’s goal is to promote optimum health of the student, while also fostering the capacity to achieve individual educational goals. 

Department Objectives

  1. Deliver direct nursing care for students
  2. Eliminate or minimize health problems that impair learning
  3. Help students to achieve the highest degree of independent functioning
  4. Plan for emergency situations
  5. Reduce or prevent health problems through education
  6. Reduce student health-related absenteeism
  7. Educate the community as to the health concerns of school-aged children
  8. Assist with referrals and mandated health screenings
  9. Ensure that state compliance regarding immunizations will be adhered to 100% of the time
  10. Track communicable diseases
Project ADAM Saves Lives